Thursday, May 27, 2010

Big Mistakes Made by Online Students

In an article in US News published in March 2010, author Kim Clark (a writer for US News) wrote about the "8 Big Mistakes Online Students Make."

According to Clark the biggest mistakes made by online students are:
  1. Not checking out the school
  2. Signing up for a course without budgeting at least 10 hours a week of study every week the course is in session—with no vacations!
  3. Being unrealistic about your learning style.
  4. Committing to an online course without first ensuring your technology matches the schools.
  5. Not checking out the teacher.
  6. Taking on too much too soon.
  7. Thinking that since it is an online course, it is OK to "copy and paste."
  8. Being unprepared or unwilling to cooperate with a virtual team.
Some of the points Clark makes I am not as convinced are "Big Mistakes" in online learning, at least in online learning in my courses. The four key points that I *do* agree with, which apply in particular to the online classes that I teach are:
  1. Signing up for a course without budgeting at least 10 hours a week of study every week the course is in session—with no vacations!
  2. Being unrealistic about your learning style.
  3. Committing to an online course without first ensuring your technology matches the schools.
  4. Thinking that since it is an online course, it is OK to "copy and paste."
One thing is for sure is that potential online students need to should to determine before taking an online course if online learning is truly for them.

Be watching for other posts to help determine if online learning is for you.

Clark K. 2010. 8 Big Mistakes Online Students Make. US News.

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